Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Weather Forecast

 Hello everyone,

It's been a while since I've posted something new but I'm back with many fresh teaching ideas :)

This is an activity done in the fifth grade - 10 year old students. We learned about the weather and expressing future with going to. After we covered the key vocabulary and grammar I asked my students to create a weather forecast poster. Each student worked individually and then presented the weather forecast to the rest of the students. They talked about the weather and they suggested what clothes would be suitable for each day depending on the weather. In this way we practiced going to, weather vocabulary, clothes vocabulary, days of the week vocabulary.

Also, the students got the opportunity to be creative and make their own poster. I was pleasantly surprised by their creations. What makes this acitvity good for me is the fact that they both practice writing and speaking. They get an opportunity to use the languge and work on theoir communicative skills. 

How you organize your lesson is entirely up to you. You can ask the students to create the poster at home or during the lesson, working in pairs or in groups. You can record them and then publish the recording on the school's website. 
It is very important for every teacher to make the most of each teaching material that is used in class. In that regard you can use the already created posters to teach weather vocabulary to another class. Also, you can create a text for each poster, place the poster on different walls in the classroom and then ask students to match the text with the posters.
There are many ideas how this activity can be extended or adapted. I would appreciate your ideas and suggestions in the comment section below. Thank you!

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