Thursday, April 16, 2015

Jobs vocabulary - revision

Start the lesson by showing some flash cards with jobs. To make it more amusing you can use a book to hide the picture then quickly just show the card and hide it again and let students try to guess the words.

Then for the next activity ask students to stand in a circle and make sure there is enough space in the middle. Tell them that they are going to listen to a song. Give them pieces of papers with the lyrics of the song and ask them to arrange the song on the floor according to what they hear. Here is a link to the song I used:
The teacher needs to make the pieces of paper with the words from the song before the lesson, it takes some time but you can use the same pieces of paper with other classes too.

You can play the song as many times as you think it is necessary. Ask students to sing the song along with you and read the lyrics from the cards on the floor. Additionally you can do the activities from the site connected to the song.
Or, you can play a video to the students and ask them to write down all the professions they see in the video. This video was used in our lesson, and only the first 44 seconds of it until they start showing the words for each job.
After they watch the video you can check the words and ask them to make definitions for each job.

To make sure they know all of the words you can prepare a poster with sentences / definitions that refer to each profession and give the students cards with the names of the jobs. Ask students to come to the board and put the words next to the correct sentence.

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