Monday, December 29, 2014

Incy Wincy Spider - play

The students did a great job. Most of them are in the second grade and only a few in the forth grade. They did everything in English. Thanks to the parents for the costumes. We had a great time! :)
You can find the text for the play on this link:

Friday, December 26, 2014


TEA PARTY - food, games, fun and learning

We organised a TEA PARTY. We invited some of the other teachers. The students' parent prepared the food. We made the decorations - Alice in Wonderland theme party. We created our own photo booth and we took some great photos. We played games:

1. Put the cherry on top - draw a big cupcake on the board or on a piece of paper. Make the contestant close his/her eyes and try to put the cherry on the top of the cupcake.
2. Draw the teapot - allow the contestants to look at a teapot for 30 seconds, then make them close their eyes and with their eyes closed they should try to draw the teapot on a piece of paper.
3. Tongue twisters - each contestant needs to say the tongue twister three times. The one who does that best is the winner;)
4. Charades - make up sentences, write them on a piece of paper and have a good laugh while the pairs try to act out and guess the sentences.
5. Guess the type of tea - choose a few tea bags with a strong scent.Put them on a tray, then ask contestants to try to guess the type of tea by only smelling it with their eyes closed.
6. Tea tray memory - put a few object on a tray, ask contestants to look at it for 30 seconds then take the objects away and ask them to put the objects in the correct order again

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Vocabulary revison - Food

Teaching young learners means that you constantly need to find different ways to engage your students and keep them busy:) This is one way we revise vocabulary - we create food out of paper. Then students use "I like...." to present the food they like.