Thursday, March 26, 2015

Introducing the difference between present simple and present continuous

Warm up activity : start the lesson by showing some jobs flashcards and ask students to name them (doctor, policeman, chef..) Distribute the cards to the students and ask them to say a whole sentence introducing the person on the card: He is a chef. He works in a restaurant.

Man part of the lesson:
1. Tell them a short story about a person on one of the cards: This is Tom. He is 36 years old. He lives in Skopje. He is a doctor. He works in a hospital every day but he is working in the garden now. 
Divide the board in two columns and write a heading PRESENT SIMPLE / PRESENT CONTINUOUS in each respectively . Then write the two sentences in the appropriate column and explain the difference between the two sentences and between the two columns. Write few more examples and elicit the answers from the students. Make them draw a conclusion on how we use the two present tenses.
Ex. This is Masid. He is a chef. He makes pizza every day. He is making a pizza now.
This is Lucy. She is a footballer. She plays football everyday. She is playing tennis in the park now.

2. Put two pieces of paper with the names of the tenses on different walls in the classroom. Then give students large pieces of paper with sentences written on them. Ask students to move around the classroom and put their sentences under the correct heading - PRESENT SIMPLE OR PRESENT CONTINUOUS. Once they identify the tense of their sentence ask them to read it out loud and explain what made them put the sentence in that category.

3. Prepare a poster with sentences in present simple and present continuous. Make small pieces of paper with the words every day and now. Ask students to come up to the board, read a sentence, finish it my adding one of the words and then talk about his/ her decision.

4. Make another poster with sentences but make sure that there is a mistake in each sentences. Ask students to come up to the board and correct the sentences and explain why the mistake needs to be corrected. 

End of class activity:
Finish the lesson by playing charade where one by one students act out a profession and the rest of the students guess the word. Or they can even form a whole sentence in the present continuous.
Ex,You are cooking / You are a doctor / You are running.

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