Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Presenting Gerund ( affirmative and negative)

The aim of the lesson is to present the gerund used in forming affirmative and negative sentences.

1. Warm-up activity: I gave the students flash cards showing the verbs that we studied in one of the previous lessons and that we are going to use throughout this lesson. Each student got a card and just named the verb/ activity on the card. ( run, jump, swim...)

2. Then as a lead in to the presentation of gerund we listened to a dialogue from the text book that I use in the fifth grade. We listened, read the dialogue and discussed. I used sentences from the dialogue to present the gerund. Make sure to elicit as much as possible from the students before giving them the full explanation.

3. After the students were presented with the way gerund is used I gave them the same cards from the beginning of the lesson for them to say simple sentences about themselves using I like and I don't like.

4. Finally I prepared these really simple speaking cards to help students practice the use of gerund for the third person singular.

You can find the speaking cards here:

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