Saturday, January 9, 2016

Presenting has got/ hasn't got

The lesson aim is presenting has got and hasn't got and their use in sentences. Also, revision of body parts. This is a lesson I did in the third grade.
1. As a warm-up activity and a revision from the previous lesson I did a body parts domino. I printed the pictures and words on pieces of paper and I asked the students to arrange the domino on the floor. I asked them to read the words and then perform some activities connected to the body parts ( shake your head, touch your toes etc.)

2. Then, to introduce the use of has got/ hasn't got I put drawings of monsters on the board and created a gallery in the classroom. I gave the instructions to the students and asked them to listen and stand next to the drawing/ monster being described. I recorded some of the students from the other grades describing the monsters and I asked them to make the drawings for me. Not all the work needs to be done by the teacher, students can help too.

3. I the next activity I distribute sentences to students and their task is to look at the pictures and match the sentences with the correct picture. Make sure that you help the students when necessary. Read and explain the sentences and elicit the use of has got/ hasn't got from the students. Ask them to copy one example in their notebooks and then ask them to draw a monster as a group and describe it using the target grammar points and vocabulary.

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