Saturday, January 9, 2016

Presenting - Food containers ( Countable and uncountable nouns)

The aim of this lesson is to present the students with the type of food containers and make them realize how they help us to make a difference between countable and uncountable nouns.

1. Warm-up : revision from the previous lesson, the difference between countable and uncountable nouns. The students come to the board, take one strip of paper and put it in the correct column on the poster.

2. For the introduction of food containers I used realia. I presented the words to the students and asked them to repeat after me and then say the words by themselves. In the end to make sure they remembered the words well I gave them some toys representing the key vocabulary and asked the students to talk about what they've got.

3. Then I put a poster on the board with the key vocabulary represented by pictures and by eliciting from the student wrote the key words next to each picture. The students were given time to copy from the board on a handout I provided for them earlier. 

4. As an end-of-class activity I decided to divide the students in two groups, give them pieces of paper and ask them to "write on the floor". Without looking at the poster on the board they are expected to use what they've learned from the lesson and complete the task. 

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