Monday, July 14, 2014

A friend in need is a friend indeed - eco play text

You can see the video of the play in one of my previous posts and now here's the text

Mary: Ahhh I love being here in the park, I like listening to the birds sing and I like looking at the flowers, come Tom let’s sing a song :
Flower song
Red flower, red flower, you look so nice
Green flower, green flower, you bring me the light
Yellow flower, yellow flower standing tall in the sun
Purple flower, purple flower you are so much fun
Pink flower, pink flower how sweet you are
White flower, white flower you look like a star
Blue flower, blue flower you are a special thing
All the flowers, all the flowers they make me wanna sing.
Black flower, black flower haven’t seen you in a while
Orange flower, orange flower you make me wanna smile
Brown flower, brown flower, so beautiful to see
All the flowers, all the flowers they make me wanna sing

Flower: Oh please stop! I can’t listen to that song,
Boy and Girl: But why???
  Flower: Well can’t you see???? I’m lonely and sad, my friends are all dead
                 I have no fresh smell, and I don’t feel well.
                 Every day I live in fear that a foot is coming too near,
                 No children, no people care for us, the colourful flowers and the green grass.
Boy and Girl: Oh my, oh dear, we didn’t know you live in fear
Tree:  Ha! Listen to me! I have a sore throat and my lungs and head hurt both.
A number of cars speed by, but nobody hears me cry.
The air is becoming thick and gray, the nasty fog is covering us and is here to stay.
I see no children’s play and I’m dreaming of a bright new day.
Boy and Girl: Oh my, oh no, we didn’t know the situation was so

Fish: And what should I say? I have no place to swim or play
As polluted as ever is this stream, and a nice clean water is only a dream.

Children: We hear you all, and we’re opening our heart to you like a door.
We promise you all now and forever, we’ll care for you all together.
We will not pick the flowers or walk on the grass
We will ride a bicycle or a bus
We will not throw any garbage in the water, and we will care for you like I’m your daughter.
Our friends will help too and we’ll say to all the bad habits shoo shoo.
We promise to keep you safe and these problems will no longer be grave.

Fish, Tree, Flower : Thank you for such a good deed. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
They sing all together:
The more we get together, together, together
The more we get together the happier we’ll be
For your friends are my friends and my friends are your friends
The more we sing together, together, together…
2,4,6,8, who do we appreciate?
The more we sway together, together , together…
2,4,6,8, who do we appreciate?
The more we dance together, together, together….
2,4,6,8, who do we appreciate?
The more we clap together, together, together…

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