Monday, July 14, 2014

Christmas Brunch - Learning can be fun!

My opinion is that learning a language does not only focus on vocabulary and grammar of a certain language but also learning about a different culture, customs, holidays and habits. That’s why I try to present this and cherish this as much as I can with my students. This is how we learn about Christmas.
Christmas is the time of year where good will and joy are all around us. Last year we decided to organize a Christmas Brunch. The whole event was organized in the way that we had a Christmas crafts display in the hall of the school, a group of Carolers performing traditional English and Macedonian songs, as well as some traditional American/ British and Macedonian Christmas dishes.
This is how my students performed the carols. My colleague and I made the costumes out of different kinds of paper. It took some time and effort but it was worth it!

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