Monday, July 14, 2014

Colours - Little Mouse Song - Learning can be fun!

I have to say that this is something I especially liked when watching littelstorybug videos on YouTube. I immediately liked the idea and decided to try it out with the kids from first grade. They are only six years old, and guess what? - They loved it!
What you need to do before the class is to print or draw and colour six houses in six different colours or more. You also need a picture of a mouse.
During the lesson - You ask the students to close their eyes and you hide the mouse under one of the houses. Make sure the house is big enough so that the mouse can go under it. Then ask the students to open their eyes and sing the song for each house and each colour until you find out where the mouse is. Here's the song: Little mouse, little mouse, are you in the yellow house?
P.S. Don't be afraid to sing your heart out ;)

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